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Submission to council Bylaw Sept 2020

The Community Engagement Officer
Campbelltown City Council
PO Box1 Campbelltown SA 5074 


RE: Strong opposition to the Campbelltown Council Proposed Cat Bylaw

I am writing to express my strong opposition to the proposed cat bylaw Campbelltown Council has out for public consultation.

This cat bylaw is not warranted. Relatively few complaints confirmed.
Campbelltown residents have an excellent reputation for desexing thousands of its cats, many of which are recorded by C.A.T.S. Cats Assistance To Sterilise Inc., and they practise good cat management.
Many residents are on low incomes, suffering hardship. Many are elderly or shift workers and cannot cope with confining cats.

Trapping and removing cats would not reduce numbers or problems as new cats would infiltrate and breed: The proven “Vacuum Effect”.
Trapping cages is cruel: RSPCA stating these cages should not be provided to the public as “it has seen horrendous conditions forced upon the animals”. These cages also injure and kill native wildlife.
Limiting cats to 2 per household would cause massive problems, especially penalising those who have assisted Council by adopting stray and free-living cats, desexing and reducing the breeding rate.

C.A.T.S. Cats Assistance To Sterilise Inc has done a wonderful job of managing and desexing cats in Campbelltown Council for 30 years and is also vehemently opposing this draconian and ill-conceived cat bylaw.

Yours faithfully,
     Signature  ______________________  Date  _____/_____/_____

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